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RTC Services

Providing the chances to regain freedom and live boldly

(2)Men Clinic fitting Keeogo-min_edited.jpg
(2)Men Clinic fitting Keeogo-min_edited.jpg

Robotic Training Courses

Flexible x Customized x Applicable

Bipedal Function Retraining

Here we emphasize strengthening, balance and dynamic stability of lower extremities. For people who're weak or as early intervention, our dermoskeletons can be paired with suspension equipment to match the safety concern. Real-time assistance of the dermoskeleton can be adjusted depends on different training purposes to help the customer achieve goals easier and with high quality.

Fine Motor Retraining

Bi-manual therapy combines with daily tasks, help neuroplasticity and neuromuscular re-education.

Motor Control and Correct Maladaptation

Incorrect movement patterns might lead to chronic pain or neuromuscuar disorders. Except for functional reconstruction, we also emphasize quality of performance 

including gait, kinetic and motor control. Dermoskeletons help improve motor control and correction in either static or dynamic phases, which sustain proprioceptive memories and prevent recurrent injuries.

Video sharing :

Keeogo suits for most bipedal locomotion training (Boys Town National Research Hospital, USA)

Returning to play golf after 3 months of training (chronic stroke)​

Bowling strike again after training ( chronic stroke)​

Keeogo My Life

「Returning to normal life」is the mission for individual powered dermoskeletons.

Many assistive devices on the market are originally designed to "compensate for disability". However, in western countries, powered dermoskeletons are defined as "mobility assistive devices", using light but firm materials and personalized parameters to fit different figures and needs. This individual dermoskeleton not only assists in most bipedal locomotion , but also acts like home training programs, enhancing functional independence via expending time of use.

Furthermore, individual powered dermoskeletons can be incorporated with hobbies or outdoor activities, help rebuild the quality of life and minimize interferences from motor impairments.

Video sharing :

Regain life autonomy_people with osteoarthritis

Embrace life with family_people with neuromuscular disorders

Men enjoy family time with Keeogo-min_edited.jpg

Keeogo My Darling

When powered dermoskeletons become a part of public facilities in our community, they participate as our positive partners "Darling" from young to senior populations in different status of life !

By integrating powered dermoskeletons with hobbies and group activities, it not only solves the aging related declines in strength and cardiopulmonary endurance, lack of mobility and balance disorders, but also prevents undesirable movement patterns which may lead to injuries. Thus we can take courage to step out of comfort zones and experience beloved lives.

No hesitate to create your own "Darling" trend, in the community we can live with comfort, age with ease, move smarter and explore further !

Let's Keeogo, what else ?

Video sharing : 

Keeogo My Darling_soccer reunion of different neurological disorders patients

Keeogo My Darling_different activities in community

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