Keeogology was originally a movement training model designed based on the characteristics of Keeogo. Now it generally refers to the activity design and theory of user-initiated dermoskeleton and related equipment.
This training is the basis for functional independence, splitting each movement into different elements. Through extensive, continuous, repetitive, and correct patterns to increase proprioceptive memories via feedback loop and thus learn to transfer into different daily tasks automatically.
Keeogo is the cornerstone named from "Keep On Going", hopefully to help people regain freedom and autonomy.

Training diversities : Squat
Emphasize activation of gluteus and corresponding kinetic chains, pelvic control and weight shifting in transverse plane. Easy to gain dynamic stability, eccentric support and motor control.
*can be paired with elastic bands or other equipment according to training purposes.
Training Diversities : Lunge
Emphasize activation of gluteus and corresponding kinetic chains, pelvic control and movement differentiation in sagittal plane. Easy to train dynamic stability and reciprocal movements.
*can be paired with other equipment according to training purposes.
Training Diversities : Step
Emphasize different muscle firings and responses to deal with level differences as weight bearing.
*can be paired with other equipment according to training purposes.
Training Diversities : Walk & Stairs
Emphasize normal gait patterns, stride length and different walking speed. Transferring eccentric and concentric supporting abilities to up and down stairs.
*can be paired with other equipment according to training purposes.